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It is a good thing you are reading this because headaches and neck and back issues are a huge source of suffering for millions of people. We hope this to be educational and helpful. This page speaks to people who may get headaches and then ties in to the neck and back. If this does not answer your question, call us we are friendly and eager to help.

"I missed work today, because my head hurt so much."
"I need to pull over, I am getting a headache."
"I am going to bed right now, I have a migraine".
"Just leave me alone, I have a headache."
"My head is pounding, I am frustrated and angry. Please make my headache go away."

We will talk about the top two causes of headaches. What you can do about it for yourself; and what the options are out there for headaches. Hopefully you will not have headaches at this time next month!

Not all headaches are incapacitating. Some people take them for granted even if they get them once a week or more. They know in their hearts that headaches are not normal even if they have accepted them.

The Top Two Causes of Headaches

The primary cause of headaches is a central nervous system issue, usually involving the neck.

The secondary cause of headaches is lack of water - dehydration.

Dehydration can cause blood pressure changes and oxygen loss in the brain.

Why do Central Nervous System problems of the spine and neck cause headaches, even if there is no pain?
A muscle spasm or injury or tension can pull the spine out of healthy alignment causing a vital nerve or the spinal cord to be compromised.

How much pressure does it take to compress a nerve?

It takes just the weight of a dime to shut down vital messages from the brain by 60%.

How do I know if my spine is causing headaches or other problems?
We will provide you with a FREE ebook that will help you figure that out. Please call 415-444-0700 to receive your book.

What to do about Dehydration -- and how much water do I need to drink anyway? Get your FREE ebook by calling us 415-444-0700. Say you want your free water ebook!

What types of care are there for headaches?

I was a headache person myself several years ago. I would wake up with a headache every 5 out of 7 mornings. Then I found a new chiropractor and got adjusted. I started a new exercise program that took only minutes in the morning. In a few weeks I knew that I was on the right track. What a great relief! I prefer chiropractic care because it's 100% natural with no side effects and works very fast. Yes I am a chiropractor too but I am a chiropractic patient first. Chiropractic takes away the nerve interference that causes many headaches.

Many people say they are fine when I ask them about headaches. Many tell me later that they take 3 tylenol almost every morning. I know how they feel. So medication is an option for many people. Question: are meds the best option? Probably not. If people had more faith in their own body's power to heal, then more people would find out if chiropractic can help them.

Another option for headaches is surgery, this is usually unnecessary, in my opinion. When I hear about a surgery , I hurt inside because I wonder if I had seen that person if I could have prevented it.

Still another option is massage and physical therapy. Since we have massage in our office and I was trained by massage and physical therapists, I believe in them. But nothing improves the nervous system like a series of chiropractic adjustments done right.

What makes our chiropractic office different?

Most advanced and carefully researched chiropractic techniques. Combined 50 years experience of our doctors. Super-education program. Thorough evaluation process. Advanced digital imagery. Advanced NASA/AMES invented computerized spine and nervous system evaluation. Personalized service. No one accepted as a patient unless we can help. Comprehensive 7 step healthcare plan called 7 Ways of Health, which is also an ebook. We track your improvements to make sure they happen. People who are new to chiropractic are often given graduated programs that start gently.

Chiropractic helps neck and back issues the same way it does headaches- by removing nerve interference.

Did you know that research studies show that the chiropractic adjustment can boost the immune system by 400%

Call 415-444-0700

for more information

How I Finally Ended My Twenty Year Fight with Migraines

-Ramona Alston

After 3 days of blinding pain from the worst migraine I'd had in 20 years of headaches. My sweet husband wanted me to see Dr. Joseph who had saved him from knee surgery.

"No," I whispered, my eyes shut in pain. "Chiropractors can't help. I've tried before."

"But Dr. Joseph is different. I really think he can help you."

I had taken Imitrex and Fioranol for migraines. Nothing worked. I was desperate and disheartened, knowing a trip to the ER would knock me out, and drugged for two days.

"How about just giving Dr. Joseph a try?" my husband Trevor asked, gently rubbing my neck. "If it doesn't work, I'll take you straight to the emergency room."

An hour later I was lying on an examining table with Dr. Joseph's hands carefully probing the back of my neck, moving my head gently from side to side. Later after the examination process was complete, he adjusted the subluxation in my neck gently and with great skill, unlike anyone had before. The instant he did that, I immediately felt the pain literally exit out the top left side of my head. I was stunned.

Thank You, Dr. Joseph, you are a miracle worker. Bless you!

Ramona Alston

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Dr. Michael P. Joseph, Chiropractor
Neck, Back, Arm, Leg & Headache- Pain Relief Clinic of Marin! and The Sports Injury Clinic of Marin
1050 Northgate Drive, Suite #130, San Rafael, Ca 94903

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